
Sri Ramana Mahrshi says

" Your very being is bliss. Therefore every one says I was blissfully sleep which means that one remains in the primal uncontaminated state in sleep.

You don't feel the inherent happiness when you are awake because the Self is now identified with the non-self which is also not apart from the Self. However, there is the wrong notion that the body is apart and the Self is confounded with the body.You should end this wrong notion to secure the happiness.

This Self-realization is the means to feel the existence of God.

Peace or Bliss or Happiness is your natural and permanent state. By continuous practice, this process of Self realization becomes natural.

You see the physical body and hence you find limitations. Time and space operate on this plane.

A person commits suicide because he is unhappy and desires to end that unhappiness. Actually, he does it by ending the association with the body which represents all unhappiness. But there must be a killer to kill the body. He is the survivor after suicide. That is the Self.

Shiva means embodiment of happiness and of auspiciousness.

How to realize the Self?
Mahrshi says" It's already realised. One should know the simple fact.That is all".
But how to know  this?
He retorts " Do you deny your existence.”

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